What Is Our Knee Pain Relief Protocol?

Chronic knee pain is not normal or an expected part of aging. If told that you have bone-on-bone arthritis and need knee surgery, this is for you!

The knee joint is the biggest joint in the body; knee injuries can happen unexpectedly. Knee injuries are among the most common in athletes, next to back injuries and ankle injuries, depending on the sport. Of course, athletes are not the only people to suffer a knee injury. Injuries tend to happen more often as people age. Our knee treatment protocol includes knee decompression, laser therapy, and joint rebalancing.

Knee Decompression

It uses the patented Knee on Trac system to separate the two prominent bones of the knee joint to reduce pain, improve function, and promote tissue healing. It is a non-invasive knee pain therapy that can help those suffering from acute and chronic pain. The purpose of treatment is to increase the space between muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It helps reduce the swelling and inflammation, allows the knee to rehydrate, helps in the recovery of cells and tissues, increases flexibility and range of motion, and helps people recover from acute injury quickly.

Laser Therapy

Cold Laser Therapy deviceLaser Therapy, also known as cold therapy, is a relatively new form of treatment. It is a non-invasive procedure that uses either class III laser therapy or class IV over the knee or painful area for a short period. Research suggests that it effectively alleviates pain for injuries or chronic conditions. There are no side effects when performed accurately and doesn’t require any recovery time. The treatment time is short and does not require any over-the-counter medications. Laser therapy can help other types of pain such as carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and bursitis.

Joint Rebalancing

Joint Rebalancing TreatmentIt is a hands-on technique where practitioners apply a controlled, sudden force to the joint. This gentle and non-invasive technique reduces joint restrictions or misalignments in the joints of the body. It helps reduce inflammation and improve function of both the affected joint and nervous system.

These non-invasive treatment protocols are effective with no downtime, have no side effects when performed accurately, and help patients heal. To learn more, you may contact Back Pain, Neck Pain & Headache Relief Center of Pleasanton at (925) 460-3877.


Our Patients Share Their Success

Cervical Decompression
Knee Pain Relief
Back Pain Relief

*Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.